working hard
understand that friends come and go, but with a precious few you should hold on. work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle, because the older you get, the more you need the people who knew you when you were young.
everybody's free (to wear sunscreen) baz luhrmann; lyrics by mary schmich
everybody's free (to wear sunscreen) baz luhrmann; lyrics by mary schmich
I have to agree with this. In fact, his entire song makes total sense.
Posted by
Patricea Chow-Capodieci |
12 May, 2005 18:07
i extracted this line that day 'cos I felt I was taken for granted.
it's so easy to lose friends nowadays.
Posted by
pinto |
12 May, 2005 21:00
never occured to me that friends can be lost...
Posted by
soliloquy |
13 May, 2005 22:48
yes, but the good thing is you can find them once again...
Posted by
pinto |
13 May, 2005 23:03