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Sunday, October 30, 2005 

make the difference

An article from Today (28 Oct) through Habitatnews. It's true it takes a little to change a lot. We don't need to be a Captain Planet to save ourselves. I personally don't use the phrase 'Save the Earth' 'cos the Earth will take care of herself even if we decide to annilihate ourselves.

You don't need to live like a hermit to be green.

Granted that every flick of a switch or a spin in your car will contribute to pollution, greenhouse gases and global warming. But it's easy to be environmentally friendly to recycle this newspaper that you're reading, turn the tap off when you're soaping in the shower or switch off the light when you don't need it.

Small gestures like these can contribute to a better quality of life....

"Will my effort as an individual really matter?" you may ask. Yes, it does. It could be as effortless as taking shorter showers. But every minute less means 9 litres of water saved!

So, the environment is, in fact, everyone's business, and SGP2012 aims to reflect the voice and will of all Singaporeans.

Hey there
Thanks for dropping by my blog! Glad you like the Kelong getaway idea. If you are keen, we may be planning something for the week of Dec 9-11. Ler us know if you would like to join us. :)

Are you an mcm-er? Saw some of your links below..... I am also a mcm-er.

Hi there... No problem at all, I appreciate the effort that went into writing it.

Unfortunately, I've got a wedding to attend (and maybe even help out) that weekend. Let me know how it goes!

Yes, I am an mcm-er. Seems like a long time ago. I was there from '98 to '01.

Hey, it's been a while since I've seen your blog. (I have you as one of my RSS feeds and just read your posts in plain text). Nice look! I like it a whole lot more than the blue. Very classy.

Hey Velle!

Thanks for dropping by. I just changed the template a couple of days ago.

Same here, with RSS I hardly read friends' blogs from their actual location nowadays.

Maybe I should go take a peek at others' blogs. Might have new and interesting links and layouts... =)

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