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Wednesday, October 19, 2005 


i am wide awake after my previous post.

was at borders earlier and spent a couple of hours deciding what to buy with a $30 voucher.

i oscillated between...

shadow of the giant by orson scott card. hardcover. 40-something dollars.
very big, hard to read, hard to store. not inclined to get science-fiction, or any kind of book for that matter, in hardcover.

the planets by dava sobel. just above $30.
remembering the big debate on what exactly constitutes a planet - a discussion that can go on for as long as the sun shines - i passed. oh, and it's in hardcover.

biology demystified by dale layman. (appropriate name somehow) just above $30.
i'm a nature guide with the toddycats, i should brush up on my bio. paying money for a textbook? there's wikipedia and the wikiversity... well, i might buy this... one day.

management lessons from the navy seals. or something like that. couldn't find it.

books on the fall of singapore. good for background for the pasir panjang heritage trail. but there was nary a mention of the battle of pasir panjang nor the malay regiment. bah.

neil armstrong's biography. hardcover. >$50.
too big. too heavy. too expensive. i'll wait for the paperback. a definite must-read though.

so, i bought (with a bit of cash top-up):

ousted!: an insider's story of the ties that failed to bind by patrick keith. paperback. under $30.
a book about the separation of singapore and malaysia. perhaps it can shed some light on whether singapore upped and left or whether we were asked to leave. without reading, i guess it will still come down to differing points of view, which have been drummed into the respective collective consciousness of each country's citizens.


the tipping point by malcolm gladwell. paperback. under $20.
i read blink - not the most scientifically rigorous book but it was highly entertaining. i figured this would be a similarly light read, and better than trying to spend the remainder of the voucher on a magazine.

i even deliberated which magazine to get, initially...

almost 1. do i just stay up all the way for the champions league?

I have Time magazine's V-J Day for all the Pasir Panjang Toddycats to read. Very nice,

Which issue is it? Available online?

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